
 21 chapters, 237 pages, over 40 000 words! This is no mini e-book. Discover Australia Kids 'n' All  is an information packed travel guide complete with Hot Tips, Diary Entries, photos, family interviews, links and everything you need to think about when taking your family on an Australian road trip!

Discover Australia Kids 'n' All  is the result of three years of research, writing, and travelling and is an invaluable read for parents planning on or already touring around the country with their kids. Make sure you grab this candid, realistic, insightful and practical guide about life on the road. 

Discover Australia Kids 'n' All 
is yours for only $17.99!

 Whether you're still dreaming about a great Aussie adventure with your family or already on your way, Discover Australia Kids 'n' All  will give you a realistic insight into family life on the road.This comprehensive guide will be your companion from the early planning stages and throughout your journey. Jacqui's sense of humour and direct nature make this book not only an invaluable source of information but also an easy and enjoyable read.

Book Chapters
Making the Decision

Planning, Research & Preparation
What are you worried about?
The Rig - Choosing the right vehicle and accommodation combo
What Will It Cost?
Child Access Issues for Step Families
Games, Travel Items & Useful Hints
Feeding Time
Health & Safety
Behave Yourself!
The Joys & Challenges
Kid Friendly Places
Our Top 10 of Important Places
Top 30 Travel Items
Other Useful Bits & Pieces
What We Took
A Snapshot of Travelling Families
Our Story
Websites & Resources

The caravan and motorhome industry is Australia's fastest growing tourism sector and Australian families are increasingly becoming a part of a lifestyle that has previously been the domain of the retirees.  Many families are no longer as eager to holiday overseas with the frighteningly regular incidences of terrorism, violence and natural disasters occurring around the world. 

While planning a driving holiday around Australia with my partner and young son, I searched high and low for a book that would provide some guidance about undertaking such a journey with children.  I found nothing in the bookshops, nothing in the library and not enough on the internet.  It was hard to believe that with the number of families attempting the 'Big Aussie Adventure' rapidly increasing every year, there was not a single publication dedicated to the subject. 

Australia has so much to offer! The variety of landscapes, climates and cultures ensures an enriching and fulfilling experience you will never forget. Get out there and see Australia and make those memories that will stay with your family for a lifetime!

A few extracts from the Introduction in  
Discover Australia Kids 'n' All

" I bet you have always dreamed about travelling around Australia.  Perhaps all of your holiday breaks are spent close to home or you fly to your destinations missing everything in between.  Maybe you did the trip when you were young and would like to do the same with your family, share the experience, or see the places you missed. Possibly you're just sick of seeing all of Australia's beautiful scenery through your television. For most people travelling around Australia is just another of those 'one day' dreams. Our time is taken up working, studying, improving the house, having a family...  We get caught up in our lives, lucky if we even manage the occasional weekend away. The years just slip by, don't they? And you begin to feel like it will never happen! You have to wait until the kids grow up and leave home, until the house is paid off and you can afford time off work. We all know how easy it is to get trapped in this way of thinking. It seems more practical and secure to stay with the familiar rat race of our lives.  But those of you who are reading this book are not content with waiting for the elusive 'one day' are you?  Good on you!"

"It's all well and good to have a dream, but how do you make your dream a reality? If it's the Lotto Dream (the other Australian dream), then apart from purchasing tickets it's out of your hands, but if it's a dream like seeing Australia, then you're in luck, you can make this happen! With some planning and perhaps a shift in your current priorities, the dream is yours. Ideally we should all live like today could be our last, but generally we don't, still choosing to believe we are immortal and have endless time to achieve our goals later. However the precarious stability of the world today is having a massive affect on the way we are living our lives. The sense of safety and predictability we once felt is being jeopardised and many of us are no longer content to live for the future but are instead choosing to live for today!  If your dream is to travel around Australia, the time is now. If you have kids, well they're just going to have to come."

"Okay sure, there are plenty of Australian families getting out there, camping on the school holidays in the closest National Park or favourite holiday town; but what about families doing the BIG TRIP? How many people are driving around this massive, sunburnt country with their kids packed together in a house the size of your laundry? Yes they exist, but they are still a minority that many would regard as downright crazy. Maybe it's the thought of sleeping together in the same room, dressing out of a suitcase, cooking family meals on the two burner stove, no babysitters, no Xbox, and no full size fridge full of food! Who would seriously do that? Well, we did and we found out we certainly weren't alone."

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