Now we're coming up to Australia Day, a day which is a bit like that for our national life. In between the barbecues and the fireworks, we have a chance to reflect on what we are as a nation.
On Regatta Point in Canberra stands the National Capital Exhibition, a building that honours the story of our nation's capital. Just inside the doors, you'll find these words: "A nation is an act of the imagination and will. In this act we create a place to which we belong. A part of the earth for which we have collective responsibility. A place of memory and tradition."
Australia has grown over the years into a strong and vibrant community that I for one am very proud to be celebrating on Australia Day.
Our challenge for the years ahead is to continue to build on this grand tradition of Australia - acknowledging both the good times and the bad - and to put our own stamp on the Australia of tomorrow.

Adam Gilchrist, chairman of the National Australia Day Council