Thursday, May 19, 2011

Discover Australia Kids 'n' All

Thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy of Discover Australia Kids 'n' All over the last year. I hope that it's been an enjoyable read and useful for planning your trip. I love getting feedback so please drop me an email with any comments you have.

Thank you to Nicole who just sent me this email:

Hi Jacqui

I purchased your book a few months ago....and could not put it down....we are in the early stages of planning our family road trip, planning to depart about April next year. The information you have provided is fantastic, I am both excited and overwhelmed at the same time as I read & research anything about the trip, unfortunately the day to day stuff gets in the way too much and my thought processes get lost, weeks may go by before I get to re-focus on this exciting trip.

thanks again for sharing your experiences


Thursday, May 12, 2011

You Need a Holiday!

Tourism Australia reckons you need a holiday. Of course there are economic reasons why they'd like you to pack your bags for the great Aussie adventure but there are many more health reasons!
A recent study estimated that Australians have 123 million days of annual leave accrued to full time employees. Apparently one in four workers stockpile their holiday leave resulting in over-worked, unmotivated and exhausted employees!
A British study suggests even planning a future holiday increases happiness and well-being and once you actually hit the road your mood improves, tension decreases, your energy levels increase and you're generally much happier with family, your economic situation and health!
I can definitely vouch for these findings. In my experience every aspect of our lives improved once we hit the road. We even quit smoking on our trip, which is much easier when changing your daily routine and social habits (and when you have to be tighter with the dollars). I can even say we avoided the post holiday blues by travelling until we were sick of it and ready to come home; although it took nearly two years!
You are entitled to holidays and leave, and you will be far more productive if you take regular breaks. If you have saved up quite a bit of leave or your ready for long service then you are in the perfect position to go on an extended road trip!
We sometimes forget that health, happiness and family should be our greatest priority. It's true that slaving your guts out in the quest for money is usually at the detriment of these important things!

Hit the road Jack :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Facebook and Blogs help family and friends share the adventure!

Apologies for being a bit slack with the posts these last few weeks. We had a fab road trip to the beautiful south west of WA, brewery lunches, gorgeous beaches, amazing forest drives.. Love it!

My brother Kai and his girlfirend Amber have recently taken off from Perth on their big trek around Australia. I'm so very jealous as I check out their pictures on Facebook. How lucky to be able to travel around Australia in your early twenties, no kids, no time limit, just a troopy and a tent!

I love that I can watch their progress on Facebook (and pinch their pics). FB started to become popular not long after we returned from our big journey so we missed out on being able to use this awesome medium to keep our friends and families informed of our adventures. Of course many travellers prefer to set up their own blog which does give you more options in terms of content, add ons and presentation. This website is made through Google's free Blogger and I have others designed in Wordpress.

It's worth teaching yourself how it all works, your journey can be recorded like a journal and everyone can share the adventure with you!
If you have a travel blog you would like me to add to my blogroll please post a comment with the address.