Monday, March 7, 2011

Pull Up Some Grass

If you think you've spotted a camper van covered in lush green grass on your travels around Australia you may think you've been smoking a little too much! But it is entirely possible that you have seen such a sight as Perth girl Kate Beese and her partner are indeed currently driving around Oz in a van completely covered in artificial turf!
"It always makes people smile and brightens up their day," Kate told the West Australian.
Given the heat absorbtion of synthetic grass I wonder if they have turned their van into a little oven? If anyone comes across Kate please ask her for me.

This pic was taken by someone who spotted it in Esperance WA in Feb 2011

Happy Travels


  1. That's our little green van. His name is Leon. I can't believe we're on your blog :) In answer to your question, the van is cooler with the grass because it keeps the sun off the bodywork. But it does like to hold onto the rain! Happy travels!

  2. Awesome! Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I'm glad you found my lil blog and I hope you and Leon are having a brilliant adventure!
