Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Dynamics of Caravan Stability

Caravan stability is an evolving area in which a fair amount has yet to be established and proven. The interaction between trailers and their towing vehicles has been understood by the transport industry since WW1, but almost all has only been described in engineering papers and substantially in mathematical terms. Collyn Rivers is about the only technical writer attempting to explain this subject in reasonable clear English.    

His article attempts to discuss the technicalities of caravan towing dynamics in relatively plain English for those keen to know more on the topic but, like so many, cannot understand far more technical documents that cover this complex subject. Written by Collyn Rivers, an internationally recognised author on technical subjects in the automotive electrical, solar, and caravan/camping industry, this article provides design guidelines and tips that assist owners to avoid major buying and usage errors.

This article has been written specifically for ExplorOz, with a longer, more technical version to be available from the author’s website at a later stage. You can find it here

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