Sunday, November 21, 2010

Schooling is a Process Not a Place

When considering an extended holiday with the family, one of the major concerns parents have is the kids’ education. In fact it’s this issue alone that can dissuade parents altogether. Your child’s education is extremely important but there are many options when it comes to learning on the road and missing school is no reason not to go!

Of course if your son or daughter is in year 11 or 12 then this is probably not the right time to take off, but for kids under 15 it is not only possible to keep up with what’s happening back in class but in most cases they are guaranteed to actually surpass their peers in knowledge and skills due to their travelling experience.

The journey provides an awesome opportunity for children (and parents) to learn about the world by experience and what better way is there? The country is loaded with museums, art galleries, wildlife parks, cultural centres, libraries, nature tours, historical precincts, theatres, heritage areas, festivals, concerts, research centres, culture, culture and more culture. It’s the School of Australia, make the most of it!
The experience itself will do wonders for your child’s social skills, organisational skills and general
knowledge not to mention their knowledge of geography, biology, history, Australian flora and fauna, environmental issues, sociology, Aboriginal culture…

For more detailed information about taking your kids out of school and travelling around Australia get your copy of Discover Australia Kids 'n' All here

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